Mount Hood Community College Transfer

The following transfer equivalency listings are a guideline for unofficial review. Final transfer decisions are made by the records office.


MHCC-to-WWU Transfer Course Equivalency

MHCC Class

WWU Equivalent


AH 110Medical Language for Healthcare SettingsNRSG 234Medical Terminology
AH 110Medical Language for HealthcareNRSG 234Medical Terminology
AH 12Medical VocabularyNRSG 234Medical Terminology
AH 130Introduction to Electronic Health Records TechnologyNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ANTH 103Intro to Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 103Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology


ART 204History of Western Art: Prehistoric - ByzantineART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 205History of Western Art: Medieval-RenaissanceART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 206History of Western Art: Baroque - ModernART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 231Drawing IART 183Sketching
ART 231Drawing IART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 254Ceramics IART 284Intro to Pottery I
ART 257Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing IART 199Transfer Elective
ART 271Printmaking IART 294Introduction to Printmaking
ART 281Painting IART 194Still Life Painting
ART 294Watercolor IART 194Still Life Painting


ASL 101American Sign Language - Beg INOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 101First-Year American Sign Language INOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 102First-Year American Sign Language IINOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 103First-Year American Sign Language IIINOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 103First-Year American Sign Language IIINOEQ 199No Equivalency


BA 101Intro to BusinessGBUS 160Intro to Business
BA 101Introduction to BusinessGBUS 160Intro to Business
BA 131Introduction to Business ComputingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 150Developing a Small BusinessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 205Business CommunicationsGBUS 199Transfer Elective
BA 206Management & Supervisory FundamentalsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 211Financial Accounting IACCT 201Prin of Accounting
BA 211Principles of Accounting IACCT 201Prin of Accounting
BA 212Financial Accounting IIACCT 202Prin of Accounting
BA 213Managerial AccountingACCT 203Prin of Accounting
BA 213Principles of Accounting IIIACCT 203Prin of Accounting
BA 218Personal FinanceFINA 101Personal Finance
BA 224Human Resources ManagementMGMT 199Transfer Elective
BA 285Leadership and Human RelationsMGMT 199Transfer Elective


BI 100Survey of Body SystemsBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101General Biology I: Introduction to Cellular BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101General Biology I: IntroductionBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101General Biology IBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101AGeneral Biology I: Survey of Cellular BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 102Gen. Biology IIBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 102General Biology II: Intro to Molecular Biology and GeneticsBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 102General Biology IIBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 102AGen Bio II: Survey of Molecular Life & GeneticsBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 102AGeneral Biology II: Survey of Molecular Life & GeneticsBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103General Biology IIIBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103BGeneral Biology III: Animal BehaviorBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Biology for Allied HealthBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Biology for Health ProfessionsBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 121Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 121Essentials/Human Anatomy & Phys IBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 121Essentls/Human Anatomy & Phys IBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 122Essentials/Human Anatomy & Phys IIBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 211Principles of Biology IBIOL 141Gen Biology
BI 212Principles of Biology IIBIOL 142Gen Biology
BI 213Principles of Biology IIIBIOL 143Gen Biology
BI 231Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 231Human Anatomy and Physiology IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & Physiology IIBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & Physiology IIIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 234MicrobiologyBIOL 222Microbiology


BT 110Business EditingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BT 121Keyboarding PrinciplesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BT 210ZEAExcel - Level INOEQ 199No Equivalency
BT 210ZPAPowerPoint - Level INOEQ 199No Equivalency
BT 210ZWAWord - Level INOEQ 199No Equivalency
BT 210ZWBWord - Level IINOEQ 199No Equivalency


CH 103Chemistry for Allied HealthCHEM 105Survey of Chemistry
CH 103Chemistry for Allied HealthCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 104General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry ICHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CH 105General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry IICHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CH 106General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry IIICHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 106General,Organic,and Biological Chem IIICHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 151Basic ChemistryCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 151Basic ChemistryCHEM 199Transfer Elective
CH 221General Chemistry ICHEM 141General Chemistry
CH 221General Chemistry ICHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CH 222General Chemistry IICHEM 142General Chemistry
CH 222General Chemistry IICHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CH 223General Chemistry IIICHEM 143General Chemistry
CH 223General Chemistry IIICHEM 146General Chemistry Lab
CH 241Organic Chemistry ICHEM 199Transfer Elective
CH 242Organic Chemistry IICHEM 199Transfer Elective
CH 243Organic Chemistry IIICHEM 199Transfer Elective


CIS 100Computer Careers ExplorationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CIS 120Computer Concepts ICIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
CIS 120Computer Concepts ICIS 198Transfer General Studies
CIS 120Computer Concepts ICIS 199Transfer Elective
CIS 120Computer Concepts ICPTR 110Prin of Computing
CIS 120LComputer Concepts I LabCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
CIS 120LComputer Concepts I LabCPTR 110Prin of Computing
CIS 120LComputer Concepts Lab ICIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
CIS 120LComputer Concepts Lab ICIS 198Transfer General Studies
CIS 120LComputer Concepts Lab ICIS 199Transfer Elective
CIS 120LComputer Concepts Lab ICPTR 110Prin of Computing
CIS 125WPWord ProcessingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CIS 197WAGWeb Authoring: Graphics and AnimationNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CJA 113Intro to Criminal Justice Administration: Corrections SystemCORR 285Intro to Criminal Justice


COMM 111Fundamentals of Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 218Interpersonal CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective


EC 115Introduction to EconomicsECON 204Fundamentals of Economics
EC 201Principles of Economics I: MicroeconomicsECON 210Prin of Microeconomics
EC 201Principles of Economics I: MicroeconomicsECON 212Prin of Microeconomics
EC 202Principles of Economics II: MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics


ECE 128Preschool Materials and EnvironmentsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECE 131Child DevelopmentNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECE 136Connecting with ChildrenNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECE 140Intro to Early Childhood EdNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECE 140Introduction to Early Childhood EducationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECE 144Early Childhood Observation TechniquesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECE 170Health, Safety and NutritionNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ED 200Introduction to EducationEDUC 210Foundations of Educ


ENG 104Intro to Literature: FictionENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 104Introduction to Literature: FictionENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 105Intro to Literature: DramaENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 106Intro to Literature: PoetryENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 106Introduction to Literature: PoetryENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 107World Literature: Classic World (7th Cent BC to 1200 AD)ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 202Shakespeare: The Later PlaysENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 222Women's LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 250Introduction to MythologyENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities


ET 122Engineering Drawing IENGR 199Transfer Elective


FA 257Films and SocietyHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
FA 258Understanding the FilmFILM 198Transfer General Studies
FA 258Understanding the FilmHMNT 198Transfer General Studies


FN 225NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition


FR 101First-Year French IFREN 101Elementary French
FR 102First-Year French IIFREN 102Elementary French
FR 103First-Year French IIIFREN 103Elementary French


GE 101Engineering OrientationNOEQ 199No Equivalency


GEOG 105Introduction to Physical GeographyGEOG 199Geography Elective
GEOG 106Introduction to World Regional Geog.GEOG 252World Geography
GEOG 107Intro to Cultural GeographyGEOG 199Geography Elective
GEOG 180Map Reading and InterpretationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
GEOG 214Geography of Mexico and Central AmericaNOEQ 199No Equivalency


GS 106Physical Science - GeologyGEOL 199Transfer Geology Course


HC 100CCollege SuccessNOEQ 199No Equivalency


HD 100College SuccessGNRL 101University Experience
HD 100ACollege SuccessGNRL 100On Course
HD 100ACollege SuccessGNRL 101University Experience
HD 100CCollege SuccessGNRL 101University Experience
HD 101On Track for College SuccessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HD 110Career PlanningCDEV 210Career Exploration & Prep
HD 130Today's CareersNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HD 130HCIntroduction to Today's Careers: HealthNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HD 208Career and Life PlanningCDEV 210Career Exploration & Prep


HE 204Diet & Weight ControlHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 205Diet AppraisalHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 208HIV/AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted InfectionsHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 250Personal HealthHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 252First Aid: Responding to EmergenciesHLTH 217First Aid
HE 255Alcohol and the FamilyHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 261CPR - Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationHLTH 217First Aid
HE 261CPR - Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationHLTH 217First Aid
HE 261CPR - Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationHLTH 217First Aid
HE 265Women's Health IssuesHLTH 199Transfer Elective


HPE 295Health & Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HPE 295Health and Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HPE 295Health and Fitness for LifePEAC 198Transfer General Studies


HST 101Western Civilization: Ancient and Classical EuropeHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 104History of the Middle East (Eastern Civilization)HIST 199Transfer Elective
HST 110Ancient World HistoryHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 110Ancient World HistoryHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 110World Civilizations: Ancient WorldHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 110World History: AncientHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 111Medieval World HistoryHIST 121The West and the World
HST 111World Civilizations: Medieval WorldHIST 121The West and the World
HST 112Modern World HistoryHIST 122The West and the World
HST 112Modern World HistoryHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 112World Civilizations: Modern WorldHIST 122The West and the World
HST 195History of the Vietnam WarHIST 199Transfer Elective
HST 201U.S. History - Pre-Colonial-1830HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201U.S. History - Pre-Colonial-1840HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201US History - Pre-Colonial - 1830HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201US History Pre-Colonial - 1830HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 201US History Pre-Colonial - 1830HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201US History: Pre-Colonial - 1840HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 201US History: Pre-Colonial - 1840HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201US History: Pre-Colonial-1840HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 202U.S. History 1840 - 1914HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 202US History 1830 - 1917HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 202US History 1840 - 1914NOEQ 199No Equivalency
HST 202US History: 1840 - 1914HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 202US History: 1840 - 1917HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203U.S. History 1910-PresentHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 203US History 1910 - PresentHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203US History 1910 - PresentHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 203US History 1910-PresentNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HST 203US History: 1910 - PresentHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203US History: 1910 - PresentHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 225Women in World HistoryHIST 199Transfer Elective
HST 294History of Ancient GreeceHIST 198Transfer General Studies


HUM 202Age of Technology: Ethics in the WorkplaceNOEQ 199No Equivalency


JPN 101First Year Japanese IMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
JPN 101First-Year Japanese IMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
JPN 102First Year Japanese IIMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
JPN 102First-Year Japanese IIMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
JPN 103First Year Japanese IIIMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
JPN 103First-Year Japanese IIIMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
JPN 201Second-Year Japanese IMDLG 198Transfer General Studies


MO 114Medical Terminology INRSG 234Medical Terminology
MO 115Medical Terminology IINRSG 234Medical Terminology
MO 136Healthcare DocumentationNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MTH 105Intro - Contemporary MathematicsMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 105Introduction to Contemporary MathematicsMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 105Introduction to Contemporary MathematicsMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 105Mathematics in SocietyMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 111Pre Calculus I: Elementary FuncMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 111Pre Calculus I: Elementary FunctionsMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 111Pre-Calculus I: Elementary FuncMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 111Pre-Calculus I: Elementary FunctionsMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 112Pre Calc II: Trig/GeometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 112Pre Calculus II: Trig/GeomMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 112Pre Calculus II: Trig/GeometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 112Pre-Calculus II: Trig/GeometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 112Pre-Calculus II: Trigonometry/GeometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 243Probability & Statistics IMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Probability and Statistics IMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Probability and Statistics IMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 244Statistics IIMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MTH 244Statistics IIMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 251Calculus I: Differential CalculusMATH 181Calculus I
MTH 252Calculus II: Integral CalculusMATH 281Calculus II
MTH 253Calculus IIIMATH 282Calculus III


MUP 121Symphonic Choir: First YearMUPF 285ICantori Group Voice Lesson
MUP 221Symphonic Choir: Second YearMUPF 285ICantori Group Voice Lesson


MUS 101Music FundamentalsMUCT 111Intro to Music Theory
MUS 105Music Appreciation/Music for the ListenerMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 137Beginning Guitar ClassMUPF 117Class Instruction
MUS 262Music History: Baroque to Romantic 1680 - 1883MUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 263Music History: Modern Music 1883 - PresentMUHL 198Transfer General Studies


PE 185AKCardio Kickboxing/Muscle BlastPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185ASStep and SculptPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CECardio/Lower Body AbsPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CECardio/Lower Body and AbsPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CFHip-Hop Cardio ComboPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CGSpinning and AbsPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CHBeginning Tai ChiPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CPPilatesPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CSCardio Cross TrainingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185DAABeginning BalletPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185FALower Body and AbsPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185FD"X" BallPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185FDCore ConditioningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185KABeginning Tae Kwon DoPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185KDStreet Defense: The Combative ArtPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185MNABasketballPEAC 171Basketball
PE 185PFApplied Cross TrainingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185RKBeginning Rock ClimbingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185RRRoad RunningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185SBBeginning Snowboarding and SkiingPEAC 164Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding
PE 185SBVAdvanced SoftballPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185SWHIntro to ScubaPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185SWKWater AerobicsPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185SWQFitness Lap SwimmingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185SWYFlexible Fitness Lap SwimPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185VABeginning VolleyballPEAC 177Volleyball
PE 185VCAdvanced VolleyballPEAC 177Volleyball
PE 185WDWeight Lifting - BeginningPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PE 185WDWeight Lifting - BeginningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185WEWeight Lifting -IntermediatePEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PE 185WEWeight Lifting -IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185WSBSoftball ConditioningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185YCMind-Body YogaPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185YLYo-latesPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185ZTZumba/TonePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185ZUZumbaPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 270Introduction to Sport PsychologyNOEQ 199No Equivalency


PH 104Descriptive AstronomyNOEQ 199No Equivalency
PH 109CObservational AstronomyASTR 199Transfer Elective
PH 121General Astronomy (no labs)ASTR 199Transfer Elective


PHL 201Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 205Intro to Philosophy
PHL 202Fundamental EthicsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies


PS 200Intro to Political SciencePLSC 199Transfer Elective
PS 200Introduction to Political SciencePLSC 198Transfer General Studies
PS 200Introduction to Political SciencePLSC 199Transfer Elective
PS 201American GovernmentPLSC 198Transfer General Studies


PSY 101Psychology fo Human RelationsPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 101Psychology of Human RelationsPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 201General PsychologyPSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 202General PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 203General PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 216Social PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 231Human SexualityPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 237Human DevelopmentPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSY 239Intro Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 239Intro to Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 239Introduction to Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective


R 210World ReligionsRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 211History of the Old TestamentRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 212History of the New TestamentRELB 198Transfer General Studies
R 212History of the New TestamentRETR 198Transfer Religion Course


RD 115Reading for College SuccessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
RD 117Critical ReadingRDNG 191Analy Reading Skills


SOC 204General Sociology: Principles of SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204General SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 205General Sociology: Social InstitutionsSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 205General SociologySOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 206General Sociology: Social ProblemsSOCI 234Current Social Problems
SOC 213Race Relations in the United StatesSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 213Race Relations in the United StatesSOCI 236Privilege & Oppression


SP 100Basic Speech CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 111Fundamentals of Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
SP 115Intro: Intercultural CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 115Intro: Intercultural CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 115Intro: Intercultural CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 218Interpersonal CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 219Small Group CommunicationSPCH 207Small Group Communication


SPAN 101First Year Spanish ISPAN 101Elementary Spanish
SPAN 101First-Year Spanish ISPAN 101Elementary Spanish
SPAN 102First-Year Spanish IISPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPAN 103First-Year Spanish IIISPAN 103Elementary Spanish
SPAN 201Second-Year Spanish ISPAN 201Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 202Second-Year Spanish IISPAN 198Transfer General Studies
SPAN 202Second-Year Spanish IISPAN 202Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 203Second Year Spanish IIISPAN 198Transfer General Studies
SPAN 211Intermed Spanish Conversation ISPAN 198Transfer General Studies
SPAN 212Intermed Spanish Conversation IISPAN 198Transfer General Studies
SPAN 213Intermed Spanish Conversation IIISPAN 198Transfer General Studies


WLD 116General Welding ITECH 138Shielded Metal Arc Welding


WR 121English CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 121English CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
WR 121English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 121English CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English Comp: Crit ThinkingENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English Comp: Crit ThinkingENGL 122College Writing II
WR 122English Comp: Crit ThinkingENGL 223Research Writing
WR 122English Comp: Critical ThinkingENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English Comp: Critical ThinkingENGL 122College Writing II
WR 122English Comp: Critical ThinkingENGL 223Research Writing
WR 122English Composicion: Critical ThinkingENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English Composicion: Critical ThinkingENGL 122College Writing II
WR 122English Composicion: Critical ThinkingENGL 223Research Writing
WR 122English Composition: Critical ThinkingENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English Composition: Critical ThinkingENGL 122College Writing II
WR 122English Composition: Critical ThinkingENGL 223Research Writing
WR 122English Composition: Critical ThinkingENGL 122College Writing II
WR 123English Composition: ResearchENGL 223Research Writing
WR 227Technical Report WritingNOEQ 199No Equivalency


WS 101Introduction to Women's StudiesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
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